INDONESIA CENTRUM is an official Indonesian Trading House, Export Promotion and Culture Center in Europe, a Direct Trade opportunity for all customers. 

INDONESIA CENTRUM was founded to improve "Direct Trade" to be more sustainable, professional and effective between Customers in Europe with Indonesia and Indonesian Producers/Farmers.

Discover with Indonesia Centrum the beauty, culture and the richness of Indonesia. 


INDONESIA CENTRUM has been founded in France through collaboration between Wale Tonsea SAS and the Indonesian Ministery of Agriculture, to boost Indonesian Export on Agricultural Commodities and Food Products produced by Small-Midle Size Producers (UMKM) and Farmers.

As part of the success program of Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) by supporting Indonesian Small-Midle Size Producers (UMKM) and Farmers, Indonesia Centrum (IC) in France Europe has been founded to connect Indonesian into the European Market. The main Goal of Indonesia Center in Europe is to continue the Effort and Success of President Jokowi in Indonesia on the UMKM-Project and bring the Products of the UMKM into European Market.


Indonesia Centrum's Ideas and plans have been sketched by Mrs. Indah Megawati, Managing Direktor of Indonesian Ministry of Agricuture.  Same Ideas and Plans have been implemented since 2018 by Indonesian Diaspora Matthias Dwidjosiswojo with his former company "CROP and ROAST GmbH" in Switzerland, that is now moved to France as "Wale Tonsea SAS". Mrs. Indah Megawati and Matthias Dwidjosiswojo​ merged their ideas and power to give birth to the "INDONESIA CENTRUM" in Europe, with the Motto "Proudly Produced in Indonesia“.

Ministry of Agriculture of

Republic Indonesia

With one same mission "Maximize Export", Ministry of Agriculture of Republic Indonesia and INDONESIA CENTRUM are working close hand-in-hand to be present in Europe and offer close business relationship with our European Customers. To achieve Indonesian's Goal to be advanced Indonesia "Indonesia Maju", INDONESIA CENTRUM is officially guided and supported by Ministry of Agriculture of Republic Indonesia.

Discover Ministery of Agriculture


Indonesia is the largest country in Southeast Asia, with a maximum dimension from east to west of about 3,200 miles (5,100 km) and an extent from north to south of 1,100 miles (1,800 km)

Indonesia has played a modest role in the world economy since the mid-20th century with its size, resources, and geographic location.

Indonesia is one of the world’s main suppliers of rubber, coffee, cocoa, it also produces a wide range of other commodities, such as sugar, tea, tobacco, copra, and spices (e.g., cloves). A significant portion of the national budget has continued to be allocated to agriculture.

The consistent monsoon climate and almost even distribution of rainfall in Indonesia make it possible for the same types of crops to be grown throughout the country. Indonesia high-quality products come from the very top left of Indonesia “Sabang” (North-West from Aceh) in the Island of Sumatra, across the major Islands (Java, Kalimantan/Borneo, Sulawesi) to the Island of Maluku, Bali, Lombok and Flores, until the very bottom right of Indonesia “Merauke” (South-East from Wamena) in the island of Papua Indonesia. It is a Big Opportunity for a Big Business.